Saturday, April 25, 2009

My "Special" Little Project

Location: Work/Home
Mood: artistic

So, one of my jobs is super boring. I sit in a room for 8 hours and wait for someone to bring their kid for me to look after. Right now there’s only one baby living there, and so I’m usually just sitting around. It is so boring it hurts my head, and I’ve been looking for something to do.

If you are a devoted Mindy-blog reader (and why wouldn’t you be?), then you know that I was toying with the idea of writing a book. I have decided to alleviate my work-time boredom by doing just that. I drew out a time line, and some character descriptions, and then I got kind of excited. It looks like I’m really doing this. Here’s hoping I get famous.

In all actuality it is kind of stupid. It’s about some teenagers (15-16 years-old). I haven’t fleshed out the main character, because I’m hoping that she’ll reveal herself to me in the process. I can’t decide if her name is Kathyrn Louise (friends call her Katie) or Margaret Louise (friends call her Maggie). I don’t know why I settled on Louise, but I did.

Anyway, that’s not what I was meaning to write about. This girl Katie/Maggie thinks her heart is broken at the beginning of the book (teenage romance). She doesn’t have many friends she’s close to, but a few of them band together to pull her out of her funk. In this she grows really close with one girl (a slightly shallow, but still caring girl named Vick) and develops deep feelings for another boy (yet unnamed). She and unnamed boy actually fall deeply in love. This is the real thing. It’s deep-seated and strong. Well, one day unnamed boy breaks up with her inexplicably. Poor Katie/Maggie, but she’s stubborn and refuses to believe that he didn’t feel the same way for her (because he did). Unnamed boy starts acting weird, and Katie/Maggie suspects foul play. She is determined to get to the root of it.

This is the part I haven’t really worked out yet. I’m not sure if unnamed boy (he really needs a name), is in a cult or if there’s something magical and mysterious that makes him do a 180°. I’ll get there. Also, I think that her boyfriend, from the beginning, Dean Greggor, is going to come back (as a friend) and help her solve the mystery. Dean is a super curious guy, and he likes figuring things out.

Wow, that was longer than what I thought it was going to be. The reason why I’m writing this at all is because I’ll probably want people to read it and give me their opinions and stuff. It’s a process, and I can’t be very objective about my own writing. So, if you are at all interested in reading my “special” little story, let me know. I’d love the help.

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