Monday, December 26, 2011

42 and So Much More

I truly believe that children unwittingly posses the secrets of the universe.  Hidden inside the innocence of the child's mind is the wisdom of lifetimes. The meaning of life, the answers to moral quandaries, and the reasons for our existence are unconsciously guarded by the youth.

As they fumble through the world, struggling to learn how to be, kids seem to draw from a pool of knowledge that adults can’t access.  Children inherently understand intricate aspects to complex situations. They need surprisingly little assistance to interpret adult problems. Kids simply know what’s going on around them. Then, just as they begin to ask the questions to the answers they maintain, a curious thing happens.  They lose it all.

As they age, this knowledge begins to slip away from them. They learn everything that we teach them, all while losing their grasp on the answers to questions we will spend our lives researching. Children mature into a lost world of confused and misguided intent.

They undergo a period of adolescence rife with intense emotions and feelings of isolation. They become angst-ridden by how misunderstood they are as they cling desperately to the things we have all lost. Teens experience turmoil as the child within them treads water; striving for just a few more gasps of air before the adult suffocates them, and their knowledge sinks below the surface.

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