Saturday, February 7, 2009

People are Weird

Mood: tired

Why don’t people just say what’s on their minds? I think it’s fascinating. We always beat around the bush. We try to have people guess what our meaning is, and we often avoid directly telling people what we actually think.

I’m not immune to this. I just wonder why we are like this? Wouldn’t it just be easier if everyone was clear about what they want/need/felt? I think it would. Sure, occasionally there would be hurt feelings. However, I am not convinced that there would be more hurt feelings than there are now.

When we meet people we’re attracted to, wouldn’t it just make things easier if we could just tell them. “Hi, I’m Mindy, and you are hot. I think I may have a crush on you.” This SOUNDS great. I will probably never be able to do it. It sounds so great though. I would love to meet someone and have him say that to me. Even if I didn’t feel the same way about that person. It would just be nice to know upfront.

This doesn’t just apply to romantic situations. It would be so nice if you could just tell someone that they were bugging you. I mean, I know you CAN do this, but it’s rude. It would be so nice to just be able to say to someone “you’re getting on my nerves right now, and I’d rather you just left me alone.” At least that way you know where you stand with people.

People are weird creatures. Why do we operate contrary to common sense? I think it is so compelling

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