Saturday, November 5, 2011

Putting It All Out There

For nearly a year now I have been interested in tracking my blog statistics. Given that I apparently want to be famous when I grow up, my statistics are not as great as I would like them to be.  This perplexes me. I mean, I think I have something to say, and that it is worth taking two minutes out of your Facebooking routine to read.  However, it's becoming increasingly evident that I am wrong about this.  I'm not happy with this realization, and I would like to change the circumstances that have led up to it.

I thought that maybe emulating my most popular posts might be a good place to start.  So, I did a little research.  I was surprised, and subsequently embarrassed at what I found.  My most popular (by far) post, is from a few years ago. It's a neurotic little rant about a crappy day that I had when I was underemployed.  I definitely consider it to be a sub par post. It's poorly written, and I'm actually quite disappointed with it. In fact, I'm not even going to link you to it. That's how strongly I feel about this.  However, and this is completely beyond my comprehension, it has drawn a lot of attention. This particular post (find it on your own if you're so curious) surpasses all of my others in readership.

Now, I find myself in a blogger's predicament. Do I replicate that whiny uninsightful window into my past just to gain attention? Or do I stick to my plan, muse about the world and the various aspects of growing up within it, while simultaneously coming to grips with my less than desirable reader counts? I mean, who is this really for?

I find it especially hard to make this decision when the only feedback I receive comes from my mom. Her unfailing support is nice, but not exactly helpful (love you mom). So, I've decided to do something that makes me completely uncomfortable......

I'm just going to put it out there, and ask for your attention for a moment.

If you find yourself clicking on my link today can you help me out? First, thank you for momentarily abstaining from your Facebook addiction.  I know how hard that is, and I appreciate you for doing it.  Now, leave me a comment.  Tell me what you thought.  If you truly like it, subscribe. If you're not sure, click around.  See what I have to say. Here are some posts I'm especially proud of:

Expose Yourself
Meaningful Moments
Steve the Housefly
My Own Personal Undertoad
My Anonymous Childhood Boyfriend

After you've done that, and you just can't stand to be away from Facebook any longer (let's face it, that's what's really going on here), go ahead and go back.  But, when you do: share a link to your favorite post (it'll make my day), or "like" and follow Mindy's Musings. Because if you don't do one, or any, of the above...I might have to do something even more obnoxious to get your attention, but I promise that it will bother me more than it bothers you.


  1. Alright, I"m all signed up and ready to read your musings. Bring it on!

  2. I am adding this comment to help make you feel better, BUT you already know I read your blog, you already know that I love it (except when you are frustrated with me) & I already follow your blogs page on Facebook. But I hope this works and you gain more followers. I need to start blogging again so you have something to read, haha.

  3. Thank you both. I appreciate the feedback so much! :)

  4. I usually read your blog but not ALL the time...please keep musing away! I appreciate your humor and honesty in your writing :)

  5. Thanks Meg. The musings will continue, one way or another. That much I can promise.

  6. I totally get where you're coming from, girl. Sometimes when I'm feeling low I'll check my blog stats to feel important, or popular (I know, fully crazypants).

    I am also baffled by the post on my blog that gets the most views--it's the one about the time my ear got clogged and I had to have this gross medical procedure that culminated in a giant ball of wax falling out of my ear and into a tub. This weird and gross post has 3 times the views of the next closest one... Over 1000 people have read it and I can't figure out why.

    Maybe people are coming across it on Google cause it's full of medical jargon, and helth insurance related stuff. Maybe it's the fact that I tweeted it to the clinic who treated my ear (Zoomcare in the Pearl). I have no idea, but I wish that people were reading something that I actually put some thought into, instead of that weird post.


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