Friday, November 18, 2011

Presque Vu

Lately I feel like I'm just on the cusp of saying something profound. Only, I can't figure out what it is. You know that feeling? Like something is right on the tip of your tongue. You just know that, if you give it a moment, when it comes out it will be incredible.

Except, most of the time it never makes its way out.  It gets lost. The thought slips off the back of your tongue, and falls into your subconscious; never to be shared with the world.

That's what I'm experiencing, but on a meta-cognitive level. It's as if I am about to make an immense proclamation that will, at last, resolve the jumbled mess in my mind. This revelation will tie up some of my loose ends. It will bring peace and order to my semi-chaotic life. 

For this reason, I feel compelled to force it. I think I should shut myself up in a room with some melancholy music and  a glass of wine. Maybe I should go for a soul-seeking late night drive down a back-country road. Afterwards I'll force a cry by watching a beautifully tragic film.

However, I know it doesn't work this way. Thinking about thinking will not cause thought. Exposing myself to more of the same, will only bring about redundancy. I guess for the time being, I'll have to just relax and wait. I will not force empty pronouncements in search of the one which escapes me. Instead, I'll attempt to be comfortable living my life on the brink of epiphany.

Stay tuned...


  1. This seems like a rough place to be. I'm sorry.

  2. I wouldn't say that. It's just a phase of life, and I'm happy to experience. The alternative would be less than desirable.


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