Saturday, October 1, 2011

Everything and Nothing all at Once

My life is a bit disorganized as of late.  It's probably a stress reaction.  I've noticed that when I get stressed out, I throw everything out the window and focus on relaxing.  As a result, I often don't notice that I'm tense. I mean, I'm spending most of my time relaxing. How could I possibly be worried about anything if I have the time to chill out like this?  I have to admit, it's a nice coping mechanism. Until...

I look around and realize that there's dirty dishes all over the place.  I haven't put away my clean laundry, and now there's nowhere for my dirty laundry to go.  There's receipts all over my car, and I haven't logged any of that in my financial tracker. Therefore, I don't really know how much money I have right now.  Then I start to panic.  Obviously, this means more "chill-out" time with my good friend The Couch. This begets the arrival of Murphy's law, and suddenly I'm locking my keys in my car with the engine on, and forgetting to take my Trimet pass to the MAX with me, and rent is due before I know it.

Unfortunately, this disorganization is not only external.  It took some self-reflection, but I have realized that my physical world is actually pretty representative of my mental world.  At the moment, there is a veritable whirlwind of thoughts spinning through my head. However, these thoughts haven't gathered themselves into anything coherent. Instead, they're leaving dirty dishes in the corners of my mind, and sprinkling receipts throughout the cabin of my brain. Of course, disorganization only leads to further disorganization, and pretty soon it's cognitive chaos.

It's a viscous cycle, and I've decided to end it today.  Right after I finish this cup of coffee I'm going to clean up my act, both literally and metaphorically.  I owe it to myself to organize my world.  I've got some pretty deep considerations bouncing around in my skull.  It seems there's the potential for a pensive revolution in here, if I could just clear away the junk.  So, that's what I'm going to do.

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