Monday, September 12, 2011

Meaningful Moments

In life, there are moments that are so incredibly meaningful, that they stand out forever. Moments, that alter everything.

Whether awful or awesome, when these moments happen you experience a fundamental changing of who you are, what you stand for, your circumstances, or your surroundings.

As much as I want to, I can't prepare you for the experience. I cannot tell you what these moments are like.  They won't fit into a category.  However, I can promise that they will happen, and you will recognize them when they do. It's impossible to go through life without witnessing at least one.

Sometimes these moments are personal and independent of world events. Other times they are public, and unify entire communities. They will impact you and your world in a way that is incredibly difficult to put into words.

When these moments come, there is a deep-seated emotional reaction. You will feel small in comparison to it. From somewhere within, you will experience a creepy kind of calm. There will be a moment of clarity as you become aware that something greater than you is occurring, and, at least for a moment, you will be dumbstruck. You'll pause. Maybe just for a minute, maybe for days, but you will stop everything while you take it in.

It may not seem real. You might think you're dreaming. Or, it may seem too real, and you might wish you were dreaming.

Slowly, you will begin to process. You will start to understand your emotions. You'll relate to the experience on a new level, and begin to heal from the life-altering change that has taken place. Eventually, life will resume a normal routine. You'll go through the motions, as you acclimate to the new circumstances of the world. All the while, you'll remember what happened as you negotiate who you were before with how things are now.

Then, one day, you'll notice that you haven't thought about it in a while. You'll wonder how long it's been, and whatever the time-frame, it won't seem accurate. You will wonder if you have moved on, and be upset that you haven't devoted as much to the magnitude of the memory.


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