Monday, July 16, 2012

Your Turn

Here it is. This is the first Monday [since I set my goal of blogging every Monday], that I don't have anything to say to my readers. I have a few drafts on standby, prepared for such a moment, but none of them seem quite right. They are either unfinished, or just off the mark for right now. Instead, I'm simply going to blog about blogging. That seems alright.

My readership has been steadily increasing since September 2011. There's a great number of you reading this now that I don't even know! In fact, I've received messages from a few people who have stumbled upon my musings via this crazy series of tubes everyone keeps talking about. Though it's hard for me to hear a compliment, I think this is awesome, and I welcome it all.

I'm flattered by all the attention, and I want to do right by you guys. So, I wanted to take this opportunity to ask what you'd like to read about. Is there something I've written that you'd like more of? Do you have any questions for me? Are you curious about my opinions/knowledge? Is there anything you've been hoping to hear me say? Have I left something out?

I know some of you are shy about the comment section (remember it can be anonymous), and it's okay to drop your suggestion in any way you feel comfortable. My inbox is open and ready for your feedback. I also have a facebook page that you can join.

Otherwise. Keep doing what you're doing. Come back often, and share my stories with your friends when you enjoy them.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder what kinds of psychology observations you have made at bike races.


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