Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Riding it Out

For those of you keeping track at home, here is an inventory of how I exercised my awesome decision-making skills today:

After sleeping-in an extra hour, I decided that all I needed to eat for breakfast was a small banana and half a cup of coffee. I washed it down with a small glass of water, and decided that I should really go for a bike ride since it is not raining.

On my way out the door, I thought to myself, "did I take my allergy medicine yet today? You know what?! I'll check when I get back from my ride." Halfway through the first section of my ride, it became readily apparent that I had not taken my allergy medicine when it suddenly felt like I was breathing only through a small straw in my nose.

Then the tail-light on my bike rack fell off. I stopped to pick it up, and figured I should back-track down the road to see if there were any other missing pieces...on a one-way street.

Narrowly avoiding an oncoming car, I righted my direction and carried on. My labored breathing on a leisurely part of my usual route reminded me this was going to be a short ride. Yet, for some reason I just rode right on pass the turn to my house.

Grunting and wheezing down a highly public road (wearing my lustrous turquoise pants), I rode right past the next turn that I could take back to my house. When I approached the third turn that I take when I want to go for a "longer" ride (mind you, none of my rides are very long) I decided that I had already committed. So, I might as well ride out the end of the road I was on. Yup, I went an unnecessary extra two miles, and THEN I decided to tackle a rather steep little incline on my single-speed (with very little breakfast, hydration, and no allergy medicine in my body).

Needless to say, I'm a bit tired now. I expect that once I get over that, I'll feel like a stud though.


Have any of you ever had a similar experience? Were you ultimately impressed with yourself, or did you continue to regret your impulsive actions?

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