Monday, January 28, 2013


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It's astounding how difficult it is to get heads and hearts on the same page. Encapsulated in the same body, our two most vital organs are not far from one another. They're practically neighbors situated on the same northern end of our anatomy. Yet, the two regularly seem at odds with one another.

So often, we find ourselves mediating arguments between our brains and chests. We express confusion at the recognition that what we know differs greatly from how we feel. We startle or act impulsively when we want what we know we should not, and our beliefs frequently stop us from pursuing what seems right.

We tell each other how to cope with this disconnect all the time. Slow down. Listen to your heart. Think it through, we say. It's all very wise and thoughtful advice. If only our souls could hear it.

Reconciling minds and hearts is not easily done. It's a fool's errand in which what you want and what you need are rarely running in the same direction. Yet we keep trying. We strive each day for that perfect world scenario when our heads and our hearts finally agree and we can live in peace. If there is such a thing.

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