Monday, December 22, 2008

My Ice Prison

Location: Gresham
Mood: amused

I woke up this morning only to see that my front porch has been completely hidden. Yup, it’s totally and completely hidden.

How can that be?

There is so much snow on the ground that it is completely covering our front porch. That’s gotta be like 2 feet right?

Even more impressive. My brother’s car is out in front of our house...or at least I thought it was. It was there last night. This morning, his car has vanished! Yes people, the magic has happened. Someone has made an entire vehicle disappear!

Okay, his car isn’t completely invisible, but it’s hard to make out underneath the snow.
I’m impressed, and slightly scared.

I’ve never seen this much snow in Gresham. Has there ever been this much snow in Gresham?
This sucks. There are actually people to play with because it’s winter break. My friends are home, but I can’t hangout with them because there’s an ice fortress forming outside our homes. We are trapped inside.

Things like this happen in my life. I’m bored all the time, but there’s no one to hang with. Then, when there’s people to hangout with, there’s no way of doing it. I can’t help but laugh.

Also, I may have broken my wrist. That’s the funniest part about this whole situation. The day before this ridiculous downpour of nature’s prison, I was hanging out with some long lost friends. They discovered a patch of ice, and, naturally, we were compelled to slide around on it. Well, I’m a goofus, but I thought I was cool. I was attempting to master the greatest ice-trick known to mankind. Convinced that I would impress people I call out: “Hey guys look at me I’m a graceful ballerina!”
I should have known better. Calling attention to my grace can lead to nothing but an epic demonstration of my ineptitude.

The intention was a legendary pirouette. -- That’s a one legged spin for those of you who don’t know. In my mind, the pirouette was going to be pulled off impressively, and the two guys I was with were going to think I was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

I must say at this point, I realize that even if I had pulled of the monumental masterpiece of movement, the reaction probably would have been lackluster. I don’t know why I think I’m such hot shit. Because, in reality the reaction would have probably been something along the lines of “oh...uh...yeah...that was...*special* Mindy.”

Well, no worries, because there was no way I was going to successfully spin after my omen-ing outburst. I got up the oomph, lifted my leg, and next thing I know I’m on all fours in the middle of the road.

I thought that the biggest injury was my ego, because I felt like I’d just scraped up my wrist and knee. However, the next morning I started to become increasingly aware of the pain in my wrist. It still functions like a normal wrist, but it’s hard to carry things, and it hurts to bend it.

I had my dad look at it. He said I should probably get X-rays, and I planned to do so the next day (yesterday). Well, that wasn’t happening. I have been thwarted by the weather once again! Now, today, we’re almost literally snowed in.

Such is my life. I’m nothing if not entertaining.

I’m bored too. I really want to be 10 years old again. I want to organize a huge snowball fight, but no one can come out and play.

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