Friday, March 4, 2011

Childish Fantasy

Location: My Apartment
Mood: Exhausted
Watching: Chaos Theory

There's something about children that is so beautifully honest. They are who they are, even when they don't want to be. They don't understand this world, yet they keep trying to navigate it.

Watching them struggle reminds me how complex everything truly is. It's so easy to get stressed out or frazzled because it's tax season, your medical bills are too big, or your car insurance is expired. We forget that even the most basic aspects of life are hard. For adults, overcoming basic stressors actually limits the ability to enjoy the world.

Children don't have that problem. Sure, they cry because they miss their mommies, or they're tired, but they giggle when we rip paper. They experience pure joy when they run against the wind. Swing sets are peaceful, and doing a silly dance makes walking to the bathroom more fun. A hug from the right adult makes them feel wanted and improves their mood.

Sometimes I wish I was still 6 years old. I wish it were acceptable for me to whine and stomp my feet when I don't like the answer I've gotten from my mechanic. I'd like for people to cut me some slack if I begin to sob uncontrollably because I'm too tired to be in the grocery store. And after a particularly tough day, it'd be nice to be picked up and carried around.

Then, in my free time, I'll jump on my bed, build a tree fort with my neighbors, color a picture for my mom, incessantly ask my dad absurd questions, and dance to silence with my brother. It all sounds wonderfully appealing sometimes.

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